Sunday 5 January 2014

Alexander Mcqueen

Alexander Mcqueen

  • Born London 17th march 1969. 
  • In less than 10 years he has become the most respected fashion designer in the world. 
  • 1996 appointed chief designer at the French Haute Couture House Givemchy. 
  • At 20 he went to Milan where he was employed as Romeo Gigil's design assistant. 
  • His shows are known for their emotional power and raw energy, along with romantic, contemporary and nature inspired. 
  • Part of the inspiration that he draws into his work in the idea of contrasting elements, fragility and strength, tradition and modernity, fluidity and severity. 
  • His work is also highly influenced by the traditional arts and crafts methods. 
  • His work combines in depth working knowledge of British tailoring and fine workmanship of the French Haute couture atelier and impeccable finish of Italian manufacturing. 

Jeremy Szumczyk

Jeremy Szumczy

  • Jeremy in a student at Gdansk's Academy of fine arts, On the 12th of october 2013 he produced a piece of work that made people very angry with what he had made. He had made a statue called 'Komm Krau' or 'Come Here Woman' it was shown in Gdansk then a few days later was removed by authorities. 
  • The statue shows a soviet soldier raping a pregnant women as he holds a gun to her head, Szumczyk said that after he had researched the mass rape that the red army did as they made their way through Eastern Europe in 1944-45 he felt that he just had to express he's feeling and his end result was this emotional depiction of the red armies raping. For his work he was detained and he work was removed on monday the 14th. 
  • The red army attacked any women between the age of 10 and 89 and to add to the torment and the humiliation the soldiers more often than not did this in front for the families. it is believed that as many as 2 million were raped by the red army, the unwanted pregnancies that sometimes followed meant babies abandoned and left to die. Stalin completely condoned rape saying that is was a way for his soldiers to be rewarded. For example his police chief Berin was said to have raped more than 100 school girls and young women by grabbing them off the streets into his car.  
  • How many raped by the red army, Germany- 2million, Vienna- 70-100,00, Hungary- 50-200,000, and thousands in Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, and after all these fact and figures its not surprising that Szumczyk wanted to show some kind of justice for the women involved in this horrendous ordeal. 

Nan Goldin

Nan Goldin-

  • Nan did a series which included her own experience of sexual abuse, this series of photographs contains images of sex, drugs, violence, domestic abuse, and more. She used these images so that she could record the truth of these women's view points, a view point that had rarely been explored before, mostly because the victims rarely speak out about their abuse. But in her image and the others in the series you can see the the pain and abuse that she is openly showing us. We can see in her own image that she has suffered pain with her bruise and her blood shot eye.    

  • Heart shaped bruise- This is a photo filled with multiple meanings this image depicts a rape that has befell the women in this image, in this case sex can be used as a way to hurt a woman when they are at their most venerable, but normally sex in considered to most a act of love. So the heart in this image is showing that caring and loving side that sex should bring to a couple but the bruising represents the pain and the physical and mental scaring that rape leaves on anybody that is unfortunate enough to have it happen to them. 

  • Born 12th september 1953, she is an American photographer. Nan was born in Washington D.C but grew up in Boston Massachusetts. 
  • April 12th 1965 she and her parents were put to the test when her sister aged just 18 commited suicide. 
  • She was introduced to camera at age 15 in 1968 when she enrolled at Satya Community school in  Lincoln. Following this her first solo photographic show was in Boston in 1973 it was based on her journey through the cities gay and transsexual communities. She graduated from the school of the museum of fine arts Boston/ Rufts university in 1977 when she was mostly using cibachrome prints. 
  • After university she moved to New York and began following and documenting the post punk new wave music scene as well as the vibrant gay community, she often presents her work in the form of a slide show.     

Ana Mendieta

Ana Mendieta 

^ The rape scene ^

  • The reason I looked at Ana Mendieta to start off with was because i came across her work "The rape scene" which then went with what i was looking at with my work but this its a dramatic and disturbing image filled with obvious abuse, blood and violent dark shadows that hides the fact that her head and arms and tied to the table. 
  • She created this image in response to a murder and rape that was publicised while she was at Lowa University. The murder and rape was of a nursing student, Sara ann Otten by other students of the college in March 1973.Ana set her self up in the same position that the press and police reports said that the victim was in, in her own apartment and invited people round to see her in this state, she didn't move, she didn't respond to them coming into her house she just let them take in the horrific scene that was in front of them. 
  • Ana said her audience "all sat down, and started talking about it. I didn't move. I stayed in position about an hour. It really jolted them" she also said that the rape had "moved and frightened her, I think all my work has been like that- a  personal response to a situation... I cant see being theoretical about an issue like that". later she explained that her work was "as a reaction against the idea of violence against women".  

  • Born 18th November 1948, Died 8th September 1985.
  • Ana was born in Havana Cub, her family was highly involved with the countries politics, and at ages 12 she and her 14 year old sister were sent to the USA by her patents to escape Castro's regime. They spent their first few weeks in refugee camps before moving to institutions and then to foster homes in Iowa. 
  • 1966 she was reunited with her mother and brother and in 1979 with her father.
  • She went to the university of Iowa and got a BA and a MA in painting and a MFA in intermedia. 
  • After university her work became autobiographical and focused on themes including feminism, life, death, violence, place and belonging.She strongly believed and focused on the importance of      spiritual and physical connections with the earth.