Sunday 5 January 2014

Ana Mendieta

Ana Mendieta 

^ The rape scene ^

  • The reason I looked at Ana Mendieta to start off with was because i came across her work "The rape scene" which then went with what i was looking at with my work but this its a dramatic and disturbing image filled with obvious abuse, blood and violent dark shadows that hides the fact that her head and arms and tied to the table. 
  • She created this image in response to a murder and rape that was publicised while she was at Lowa University. The murder and rape was of a nursing student, Sara ann Otten by other students of the college in March 1973.Ana set her self up in the same position that the press and police reports said that the victim was in, in her own apartment and invited people round to see her in this state, she didn't move, she didn't respond to them coming into her house she just let them take in the horrific scene that was in front of them. 
  • Ana said her audience "all sat down, and started talking about it. I didn't move. I stayed in position about an hour. It really jolted them" she also said that the rape had "moved and frightened her, I think all my work has been like that- a  personal response to a situation... I cant see being theoretical about an issue like that". later she explained that her work was "as a reaction against the idea of violence against women".  

  • Born 18th November 1948, Died 8th September 1985.
  • Ana was born in Havana Cub, her family was highly involved with the countries politics, and at ages 12 she and her 14 year old sister were sent to the USA by her patents to escape Castro's regime. They spent their first few weeks in refugee camps before moving to institutions and then to foster homes in Iowa. 
  • 1966 she was reunited with her mother and brother and in 1979 with her father.
  • She went to the university of Iowa and got a BA and a MA in painting and a MFA in intermedia. 
  • After university her work became autobiographical and focused on themes including feminism, life, death, violence, place and belonging.She strongly believed and focused on the importance of      spiritual and physical connections with the earth. 

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