Sunday 23 February 2014

Artist Influence

The different artist that I have looked have all influenced my work in different ways this post is just to explain how they influenced my work and inspired me.

The artist the feature rape and abuse:
Ana Mendieta, Nan Golding and Jeremy Szumczyk and although I haven't got a post for it i have also looked and the 2011 exhibition called off the beaten path as well. These are the artist that I have looked at in regards to giving me a better understanding of this subject that i am researching, its a very serious and sensitive subject and i think the main reason for me looking at these artist is so that i can get other people opinions on it, other peoples perspective, They all go about it in different ways with different materials and it was great for me to see this. How the worked with this subject Nan Golding way was to show her own experience and others abuse stories. Ana Mendieta was so effected by what she has read in the paper about a rape she had to respond to it by creating the same seine that had been reported, they all have different reasons for doing it none of them the same, its the same with the Off the beaten track exhibition lots of different artists showing you the same subject but in many many different ways. thats why i looked at these artist to get a better perspective on this subject.

The artist the work with material
Shelly Goldsmith, Susan Collis, and Alexander Mcqueen and again I haven't got a post about it but I briefly looked at The House of Worth too. I have all different reason for looking at all of these artists, The order i looked at them helped my work as it was a natural progression from one to the other. I started with Susan Collis for her embroidery work, it was this work which sent me in the direction of embroidery. At the time i was trying to work out how to show that Julia had been raped, how i could translate this onto fabric and Collis work had a great impact on how I went about looking into this her light embrodery made me realise that i wanted my marks that Julia's rapist left of her to be more prominent Which lead me to look at the embroidery of The House of Worth they had jackets that were just embroidered with flowers, swirls, decoration and although I like the idea of creating a pattered for embroidery with the idea that it was about her rapist but I still thought of Collis work and how it wasnt decretive. Then I looked at Shelly Goldsmith because of her work about a healing shirt, meant to heal you with the healing flowers printed onto it if you have been abused and i felt that it fitted in really well and this work of hers lead me to research into harmful flowers to represent the rapist, after this i then went on to look into harmful animals and finally came to having ravens as what is representing the rapist. Which is why I looked at Alexander Mcqueen although i Knew that i wanted to use embroidery to create my raven some of Mcqueens work had the look of having black animals flying out of the garments and this way great for me to look at as it started my thinking of composition and what would make the most impact.

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