Sunday 23 February 2014

Shelly Goldsmith

shelly Goldsmith creates her based around the idea that she putting something meaning full onto clothing. 
  • she undertook formal art school training, firstly within the Textiles Department and latterly on my Masters degree within the Fine Art Department at the RCA. I learnt much of the craft and professional practice issues from working with other artists/makers.
this is a interview that the Vand A museum did on shelly and i feel that her answers cover all that i was going to research about her. 

How would you describe your work and your position within the Crafts world?

I locate myself on the cusp of craft and fine art. Process and making are very important to me, my work is underpinned by ideas or concepts. The concepts dictate the choice of materials, methods and context in which the work is explored and produced.

What type of materials do you prefer to use?

I use range of materials that are appropriate to the ideas I am exploring at that time and so this necessitates a wide engagement with different approaches and methods. I am interested in the craft of weaving, especially woven tapestry, and stitch related to clothing. I have used materials as far-ranging as silk, wool, glass and coal.

What would you most like to make that you haven't made so far?

I would like to make a piece that extends the use of scale in my work. Generally I tend to work quite small, and I think this is due to lack of concentrated time in the studio over the last few years.  I would like to work on a large installation and/or commission.

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